Gilbert Mommy Makeover: Mommy Makeover In Gilbert

If you're looking for a Mommy Makeover, we've got you covered.

We know how much of a struggle it can be to find the right doctor who will take your concerns seriously and listen to your needs. That's why we put together this list of doctors who are experts in delivering just what you want from your Mommy Makeover.

Scottsdale Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeovers in Gilbert

A mommy makeover has become increasingly popular, offering an effective solution to various aesthetic issues faced by women after childbirth. Mommy makeover in Gilbert, AZ, is a comprehensive package specifically designed for mothers who wish to reclaim the body they had before pregnancy.

The concept of a mommy makeover involves a group of surgical procedures that focus on enhancing a woman's physical appearance after she's had children. This includes tummy tucks, breast augmentation or lift, and liposuction. While diet and exercise can help to some extent, getting back your pre-pregnancy body often requires a little extra help that a mommy makeover can provide.

Understanding Mommy Makeover Surgeries

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is specifically designed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, resulting in a flatter and more toned stomach. This procedure also helps tighten weakened abdominal muscles, usually distorted due to pregnancy.

Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift

Pregnancy and breastfeeding often influence changes in a woman’s breasts. Some women may experience loss in breast size or volume, while others might deal with sagging breasts. A breast augmentation procedure increases the size and volume of the breasts using either saline or silicone implants. On the other hand, a breast lift raises the breasts by removing extra skin and tightening surrounding tissues.


Liposuction is another beneficial mommy makeover procedure that assists in removing stubborn fat deposits that are often resistant to diet and exercise. Primarily focused on areas like the thighs, tummy, and hips, liposuction can provide a more contoured silhouette.

Choosing the Right Surgeon for your Mommy Makeover in Gilbert

Picking the right surgeon significantly influences your mommy makeover outcome. A well-qualified and experienced surgeon ensures that your procedures are safe, with results meeting your expectations. When considering mommy makeover surgeons in Gilbert, pay careful attention to their credentials, experience, and patient reviews.

The dialogue you establish with your chosen surgeon during initial consultation is crucial too. Ensure that you feel comfortable discussing your goals and concerns. Seeing before and after pictures of previous patients can also guide you in understanding what results to expect.

What to Expect During a Mommy Makeover Consultation

The consultation process for a mommy makeover is your chance to understand the specifics of the procedures. It's the ideal platform to have all your queries answered. During your consultation, your surgeon would assess your overall health, discuss your aesthetic goals, and recommend the best treatment plan to suit your needs.

Documentation of your medical history, a thorough physical exam, and discussions surrounding the benefits and risks of each procedure will be a part of this consultation. Remember, there are no right or wrong questions here – the more informed you are, the better it is for your overall satisfaction.

The Cost of Mommy Makeover in Gilbert

The average cost of a mommy makeover varies significantly based on the specific procedures you choose and the complexity of those procedures. For example, expenses for an uncomplicated tummy tuck will be different from tummy tuck surgery requiring extensive muscle repair and skin removal.

Apart from the surgeon’s fee, other factors influencing the cost include the anesthesia charges, operating room facilities, medical tests, and post-surgery garments. Keep these variables in mind when budgeting for your mommy makeover.

Preparing for Mommy Makeover Surgery

Monday makeovers are major surgeries and hence require ample preparation. This includes diet adjustments, discontinuing certain medications, planning for help during recovery, and getting necessary lab testing done. It's essential to understand all pre-operative instructions provided by your surgeon, ensuring a smooth procedure and recovery.

Mommy Makeover Recovery Process

Recovery times for a mommy makeover vary based on the procedures involved. Generally, most women can return to non-strenuous jobs within two to three weeks post-surgery. As your body heals, adhering to post-operative instructions like taking prescribed medications, attending follow-up visits, and avoiding heavy lifting is essential. With a well-planned recovery, you can expect to enjoy your mommy makeover results more fully.

The Results: Before and After Mommy Makeover in Gilbert

Choosing a mommy makeover can offer dramatic improvements. From flattened tummies and enhanced breast shape to removal of stubborn fat deposits, women generally express satisfaction in their decision to undergo a mommy makeover. However, remember that maintaining a stable weight and leading a healthy lifestyle are key to preserving these results.

A mommy makeover in Gilbert, AZ, is more than just a cosmetic enhancement. It is a comprehensive approach to regaining your pre-pregnancy body and enhancing your confidence. Deciding to undergo a mommy makeover is indeed a significant decision. Nonetheless, identifying the right surgeon, understanding the procedures, and having reasonable expectations can bring you the joy of revived self-esteem and satisfaction.