Colorado Mommy Makeover: Mommy Makeover In Colorado
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Colorado Mommy Makeover
The results of the mommy makeover are life-changing. Not only do you get to feel more confident about your body and appearance, but you also have the added benefit of feeling healthy and strong after childbirth.
In this article, we'll break down what a mommy makeover is, who can benefit from it, what you should expect during your recovery process and how much it costs.
Top Mommy Makeover Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons in Colorado
Breast Augmentation in Colorado
Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that uses breast implants to increase the size of your breasts or replace surgically removed breast tissue. Breast implants are inserted through an incision in the breast, either above or below the muscle. They can be saline (salty water) or silicone.
In addition to increasing volume, you may want your new breasts to have a different shape than they did before surgery! If so, choose a round implant for natural-looking results that match your body proportions best—or choose one of our other styles like teardrop and shaped that suit your desired look.
Are mommy makeovers safe?
Mommy makeovers are safe procedures. In fact, they're some of the safest cosmetic procedures available, with few complications and a low risk of infection or other side effects.
That's because they're performed by board-certified plastic surgeons who have dedicated their professional careers to improving the appearance of others.
Like all surgeries, mommy makeovers require a team of skilled professionals to ensure that your safety is protected at every step along the way. Your plastic surgeon will perform your surgery in an accredited facility, such as his or her own office or a hospital or surgical center staffed by staff trained in caring for patients undergoing surgery.
Whether you choose to have your surgery under general anesthesia or local anesthesia depends on how much discomfort you can tolerate during recovery; both methods are highly effective at producing safe outcomes without compromising patient comfort levels too much during recovery time frames (generally less than two weeks).
Mentally Preparing for Your Mommy Makeover
When you’re mentally preparing for a mommy makeover, it can be helpful to ask yourself these questions:
- What are my goals for the surgery? Are my expectations realistic?
- What does my doctor expect from me in terms of post-operative care and recovery? Am I prepared to meet those expectations?
- How will I manage pain without overloading my body with medications that could interfere with healing or cause other side effects?
- Will I need help caring for myself initially, and if so, how will I access this help—daily help or intermittent help?
What to Expect During a Breast Augmentation Procedure
Before a breast augmentation procedure, you will meet with your surgeon to discuss the type of implant that will best suit your needs. You should also make sure that you are comfortable with the procedure and understand what to expect during and after surgery.
You will be given anesthesia so that you will be asleep during the procedure. This is done so that you do not feel any pain or discomfort while it is being performed on your body. You may have an IV placed into one of your arms before going under anesthesia (this allows medications to enter directly into your bloodstream).
You can go home after surgery as long as someone is available to drive you home and take care of any other needs that arise throughout recovery. The exact time frame for recovery varies depending on individual circumstances, but most women who undergo breast augmentation can go back to work within 1 week of their operation and resume normal activities after 2 weeks.
There are some complications associated with having this kind of surgery--for example, infection can occur if one does not follow directions carefully when caring for their incision site following removal from hospitalization--so it's important for patients not just know about what happens during a procedure but also how best practices for taking care after themselves afterwards!
Tummy Tuck
The tummy tuck is the most common procedure in this group of surgeries, and that's because it's frequently performed on people who have lost significant amounts of weight. The procedure removes excess fat and skin from around the stomach area to give you a flat, toned abdomen.
The tummy tuck can help tighten muscles in the abdominal wall, which will give you a more defined waistline. It also helps with loose skin that results from weight loss or pregnancy.
Before having surgery:
- Talk with your doctor about whether you're healthy enough for elective surgery like a tummy tuck. They may advise against getting one if you have any medical conditions or take medications that could make recovery difficult or dangerous (such as heart disease).
- Tell them if there's any history of cancer in your family or personal history with cancer—the risk needs to be considered carefully before performing such an invasive procedure on anyone who has had cancer before; it's recommended that patients wait three years after undergoing chemotherapy treatment before undergoing cosmetic procedures such as this one; they should also not undergo radiation therapy while recovering from their surgery due to possible complications caused by these therapies on normal tissue healing processes which could lead to infection during recovery periods after each type of treatment used during medical procedures such as chemo therapy sessions).
A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, can help women reverse the effects of weight gain and loss, pregnancy and aging.
An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck procedure, is a surgical procedure that helps to tighten the abdominal muscles and skin. The tummy tuck can be used to:
- Tighten loose skin after weight loss or pregnancy
- Remove excess fat from the abdomen
- Treat sagging skin caused by aging or multiple pregnancies (such as after having children).
Vaginal Rejuvenation
Vaginal rejuvenation is a surgical procedure that tightens the pelvic floor muscles around the vagina. The procedure may include more than one treatment.
Because each patient’s goals and needs are unique, Dr. Lawton creates a customized plan with you before performing any surgeries. This can include hymen repair or removal (if applicable), vaginal rejuvenation, labiaplasty (if applicable), and/or clitoral hood reduction (if applicable).
Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation surgery is a common procedure and can be performed in a variety of ways. The most common method is through an incision in the armpit (called "submuscular"). For this procedure, breast implants are placed under the breast tissue to increase size and shape.
Another option is the "periareolar" approach, which involves an incision around the areola (the darker area around your nipple). This type of incision can result in less scarring than other methods do, but it may cause some puckering of skin around your nipples that can't be corrected with further surgery later on.
The third approach involves placing an implant behind your breast tissue via an incision made along each side of your chest wall just below where your breasts begin (called "transaxillary").
This approach allows you to preserve more natural-looking breast contours compared with other methods but requires more painful recovery because more muscle tissue must be cut during surgery.
When you decide to undergo breast implant surgery be sure to consider all your options, for example; silicone breast implants, silicone gel filled implants and other silicone gel options. If you are going with silicone breast implants then make sure you check for scar tissue before and after breast implant surgery especially if you have ever had breast cancer. Scar tissue can form near the silicone gel, or the saline breast implants. Breast implant surgeries with saline breast implants will definitely increased breast size.
Breast Reduction
Breast Reduction Surgery is a procedure that reduces the size of your breasts. It may be recommended for women who are uncomfortable with the size of their breasts, or who have physical or emotional problems caused by very large breasts. This procedure can improve your self-image and body image by giving you smaller, more proportionate looking breasts.
Breast reduction surgery involves removing excess skin and fat from the breast tissue. The nipple and areola (dark area around the nipple) are also repositioned to a higher position on the chest wall so that they sit closer to your collarbone. Your doctor will discuss options with you based on your anatomy, desired outcome, health history and other factors specific to you.
Breast Lift
A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a procedure that can help you regain your pre-pregnancy breast shape. Breast lifts can be performed alone or combined with other procedures such as breast augmentation or reduction.
The main goal of a breast lift is to elevate the nipple and reshape the breast tissue, leaving your body looking more youthful and balanced. They are used to correct sagging breasts which may have occurred over time due to aging or pregnancy weight gain.
The technique used will depend on each patient’s desires for nipple position as well as their natural anatomy. There are three types of mastopexy: short scar (lollipop), keyhole (donut) and inverted T-shaped incisions; all of which require drains after surgery but typically heal faster than large incisions do because there's less trauma involved in making them smaller again later down the road!
Breast Implant Placement Options
There are a variety of breast implant placement options available. The type of breast implant you choose, along with its width and height, will determine where your surgeon places it in order to achieve natural looking results. Your plastic surgeon may have specific recommendations based on his or her experience with different patients and their needs.
Saline or Silicone Implants
The next step is to decide whether you want saline or silicone implants. Saline implants are less expensive, but they also tend to rupture more often. Silicone implants are more likely to be rejected by the body and need replacement surgery later on.
There are lots of different breast implant types
There are many different types of breast implants. The most common types are silicone and saline, but gummy bear and plastic surgery options like fat grafting and general anesthesia can also be considered. Your board certified plastic surgeon will help determine which option is best for you.
The FDA has approved the use of silicone gel-filled breast implants in women since 1992, with the first approved model being filled with pure silicone gel (no other material), commonly referred to as smooth round or style “I”-type breast implants.
In 2006, manufacturers were allowed to sell textured round or style “II”-type gel-filled breast implants made with a combination of silicone gel and polyurethane foam that was introduced into the implant in order to improve its shape when it was formed into an anatomic shape by hand prior to implantation into women's bodies via surgical incision(s).
There are several factors that should be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not an individual should undergo cosmetic surgery procedures such as these:
What is Breast Implant Illness
Breast implant illness is a condition that occurs when a breast implant ruptures. The rupture causes silicone to leak into the body, which can cause pain, swelling and discomfort. It may also cause the implant to leak silicone into the body.
Infection is another potential complication that may occur from breast implant failure. Infection can lead to serious health problems like septic shock or even death if it’s not treated quickly enough or at all.
If you’re still unsure about whether or not a mommy makeover is right for you, consult with a plastic surgeon who specializes in these procedures. They will be able to give you more information about what it can do for your body and help determine if this type of surgery is right for you.
Best Cities in Colorado to Find a Mommy Makeover
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