Tampa Mommy Makeover: Mommy Makeover In Tampa

If you're looking for a Mommy Makeover, we've got you covered.

We know how much of a struggle it can be to find the right doctor who will take your concerns seriously and listen to your needs. That's why we put together this list of doctors who are experts in delivering just what you want from your Mommy Makeover.


Top Mommy Makeover Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons in Tampa

3314 Henderson Blvd. #201
Tampa, FL 33609

(813) 771-6393

2525 Cypress Ridge Blvd.
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544

(813) 752-7842

105 S MacDill Ave. #203
Tampa, FL 33609

(813) 803-6581

Mommy Makeovers in Tampa

Are you a mom in Tampa, going through the post-baby phase and yearning to regain your pre-pregnancy body? Childbirth, while rewarding, can significantly alter your physical appearance. However, modern medical advancements have presented solutions such as a mommy makeover, which allows you to reclaim your confidence and body shape in a matter of a few procedures.

Mommy makeovers have gained immense popularity in Tampa, enhancing the lives of many women. This package often involves a combination of procedures customized to your unique needs to help restore your youthful, pre-pregnancy appearance.

Detailed Description of Mommy Makeover Procedures

Tummy Tuck

One of the common concerns after childbirth is the change in abdominal shape. A tummy tuck addresses this by removing excess loose skin and stretch marks whilst tightening the abdominal muscles for a firm, toned look. A tummy tuck can help you get rid of stubborn fat deposits that seem impossible to eliminate with regular diet and exercise.

Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift

Your breasts can undergo significant changes due to pregnancy and breastfeeding, often resulting in a sagging appearance. Plastic surgeons can help resolve this through a breast lift or augmentation. Implants, whether saline or silicone, can restore lost breast tissue volume. If the size is not your concern and you simply wish to achieve a more youthful position, a breast lift can be performed without the need for implants.


Liposuction can assist in removing excess fat in various parts of the body, especially areas like the arms, hips, or thighs. Following this procedure, your body can attain a more harmonized appearance.


Childbirth may also affect the labia minora, causing discomfort and a change in sexual sensation. A labiaplasty procedure carefully reconstructs the labia to reduce discomfort and restore sensation.

Why Tampa for Mommy Makeover

Expertise of Tampa surgeons

Tampa is home to some of the best plastic surgeons in the country, with a high level of expertise in mommy makeover procedures. Ensuring the right hands and advanced techniques are involved reduces complications and increases the success rates of these operations. Notable figures, such as Dr. Marvin Shienbaum at Brandon Plastic Surgery, are renowned for the flawless transformations they have done for various clients.

Success rates of mommy makeover in Tampa

The high success rates of mommy makeovers in Tampa bring dozens of mothers to seek these services in town every year. These success rates cement the trust future patients have in our services.

Costs and Financing

Average cost of mommy makeover in Tampa

The cost of a mommy makeover varies significantly depending on the complexity of your desired procedures. However, on average, you can expect the overall procedure to range between $10,000 -$20,000.

Financing options

Several plastic surgery clinics in Tampa offer financing options to help you manage your payment. You can explore care credit, healthcare financing credit cards, or loans to cover your procedure cost.

Choosing the Right Surgeon in Tampa

What to look for in a surgeon

Choosing the right surgeon goes beyond their technical skills. You need to consider their bedside manners, openness to discussions about your concerns, realistic outcome predictions, and whether they are board-certified plastic surgeons.

Consultation process

A consultation provides the perfect platform to meet, discuss, and establish a relationship with your potential surgeon. Bring all your questions on board, don't shy off from discussing your fears, and make sure you leave with clarified expectations.

Mommy Makeover Recovery in Tampa

Recovery timeline

The recovery timeline varies depending on your overall health and the nature of the procedures performed. In most cases, patients can resume work within a week or two post-operation.

Post-surgery expectations

After surgery, your surgeon will provide specific guidelines to aid in your healing process. Pain medication, wound care instructions, lymphatic massage, and physical activity restrictions are some of the post-surgery directions you can expect.

Alternatives to Mommy Makeover

Non-surgical or minimally invasive options

If surgery intimidates you, Tampa has numerous non-surgical or minimally invasive mommy makeover alternatives. These include laser treatments, chemical peels, and skin tightening treatments.

Lifestyle changes

In addition to these procedures, committing to regular exercise and maintaining a healthy diet can also contribute significantly to your makeover journey.

Your journey to restoring your pre-baby body has never been easier with all that Tampa offers. By taking advantage of the skilled surgeons, etiquette, technology, and patient-friendly procedures, you can look forward to renewed confidence in your body.

If you're living in and around Tampa and are considering a mommy makeover, it's time to take the next step. Reach out to a professional, ask for a consultation, and start your journey towards achieving the body that you have always dreamed of. Remember, you are more than a mom - your comfort and confidence matter too!