Indianapolis Mommy Makeover: Mommy Makeover In Indianapolis

If you're looking for a Mommy Makeover, we've got you covered.

We know how much of a struggle it can be to find the right doctor who will take your concerns seriously and listen to your needs. That's why we put together this list of doctors who are experts in delivering just what you want from your Mommy Makeover.

Atlanta Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeovers in Indianapolis

Welcome to the journey of self-restoration. A Mommy Makeover, as the term suggests, aims to restore your pre-pregnancy physique through a combination of targeted cosmetic surgical procedures. Being mothers ourselves, we affirm the joy of motherhood - the marvel of carrying, birthing and nurturing a new life. As rewarding as it is, this beautiful journey does cause physical changes in our bodies. A Mommy Makeover serves to address these changes and help our mothers regain their shape, confidence, and essence.

Trends and Statistics of Mommy Makeover in Indianapolis

In the vibrant city of Indianapolis, we have observed a rising trend of mothers opting for Mommy Makeovers. Why? Because women in the Hoosier state value their health, fitness, and personal aesthetic preferences. According to available statistics, a significant proportion of women have turned to this specialized bundle of plastic surgical procedures to enhance their post-pregnancy bodies. The satisfaction rate witnessed here in Indianapolis is on par with the national average, demonstrating the effectiveness and popularity of the procedure here.

Breaking Down the Mommy Makeover Surgical Procedures

A Mommy Makeover is not a one-size-fits-all procedure; rather, its magic lies in customization. It's a collection of procedures tailored to each mother's needs and desires. Here's a closer look at the individual surgical procedures that constitute a typical Mommy Makeover.

Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck

In this procedure, our focus is on restoring the tone and firmness of your belly. Pregnancy often extends the abdominal muscles and skin, causing a pouched appearance. Abdominoplasty tightens these overstretched muscles and removes surplus sagging skin, giving you a flat and tightened belly.

Breast Lift

Motherhood can cause your breasts to sag or droop. A breast lift or Mastopexy repositions the breasts, elevating them to a more youthful position. Not only does it restore vitality to your silhouette, but it also allows you to comfortably wear your favorite outfits.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is designed to enhance the size and shape of your breasts either through implants or fat grafting from your own body. So, if pregnancy and breastfeeding have left you wanting to increase your bust size or regain lost volume, this procedure is perfect for you.

Liposuction and Liposculpture

Localized fat deposits in areas like the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, and arms are common post-pregnancy. Liposuction removes this excess fat, working wonders to contour your body. Liposculpture takes it a step further, not just removing fat, but also strategically placing some of it to enhance your overall figure.

Buttocks Augmentation

A Brazilian Butt Lift, as it is popularly known, involves shifting your own fat from other areas to lift and enhance the shape of your buttocks. It not only adds volume to flat or underdeveloped buttocks, but it also creates a more contoured silhouette.

Ideal Candidates for Mommy Makeover

We firmly believe that the best candidate for a Mommy Makeover is a woman who is physically and mentally healthy with realistic expectations of the surgery’s outcome. Typically, our candidates are mothers who, despite regular exercise and dietary discipline, have been unable to reclaim their pre-pregnancy figure. It's advised that patients are near their desired weight before undergoing this surgery, and that they wait at least six months post-pregnancy and four months following cessation of breastfeeding.

Spotlight on Dr. Kimberly Short and The Gillian Institute

As a plastic surgeon, Dr. Kimberly Short has been helping mothers in Indianapolis regain their former silhouette. She herself being a mother of four, Dr. Short understands the apprehensions, needs, and desires of her patients and uses her expertise to guide them to the best version of themselves.

Surgical Techniques and Procedures Followed in Indianapolis

In Indianapolis, we prioritize safety, accuracy, and patient satisfaction when performing Mommy Makeovers. This begins with ensuring a safe and serene environment for the procedures.

At the Gillian Institute, Dr. Short uses breast augmentation and breast lift techniques that involve creating a pocket and using a no-touch technique to insert the implant. This minimizes any risk of contracture. For breast lifts, she uses the “lollipop” technique to eliminate the need for a horizontal scar and give the breasts a prettier contour.

The tummy tuck begins with liposuction contouring, followed by muscle tightening and removal of excess skin. A special mattress suture technique is used to minimize or eliminate the need for drains. Similarly, for liposuction and liposculpture, small incisions are made in inconspicuous areas, and an ultrasound is used to remove fat and sculpt your body.

Recovery and Post-Surgical Care in Indianapolis

Once your Mommy Makeover in Indianapolis is complete, our team ensures you are comfortable throughout your recovery. The recovery period is as important as the surgery itself, and we provide comprehensive instructions to ensure it is smooth and safe.

Cost Expectations for a Mommy Makeover in Indianapolis

The cost of a Mommy Makeover in Indianapolis depends on multiple factors, not limited to the surgeon's expertise and the complexity of your procedure. However, we provide a cosmetic surgery experience that is well worth the cost. While the absolute cost figure can only be presented after a one-on-one consultation, our practice remains transparent, ethical, and focused on delivering value for your investment.

Your journey in reclaiming your body and confidence begins here. At the Gillian Institute, we look forward to guiding you on this transformative journey and welcoming you to our community of empowered mothers. Contact us to schedule your consultation with Dr. Kimberly Short today!