Kansas Mommy Makeover: Mommy Makeover In Kansas

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Kansas Mommy Makeover

The term Mommy Makeover refers to the combination of procedures designed to help mothers regain their pre-baby figure and confidence. A mommy makeover can improve your appearance after having children.

This surgery typically involves two to three procedures performed during a single operation. If you plan to have another child in the near future; pregnancy could have an impact on your results and stretch your skin once again.

Top Mommy Makeover Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons in Kansas

J. Douglas Cusick, MD

4601 College Blvd., Ste #222
Leawood, KS 66211

(913) 845-7714

Dr. Victor M. Perez

11532 West 119th Street
Overland Park, KS 66213

(913) 270-6605

Dr. Christopher C. Surek

7901 W. 135th Street
Overland Park, KS 66223

(913) 754-4939

The term Mommy Makeover refers to the combination of procedures designed to help mothers regain their pre-baby figure and confidence.

The term Mommy Makeover refers to the combination of procedures designed to help mothers regain their pre-baby figure and confidence. The procedure is a combination of breast augmentation, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and labiaplasty. The surgery can also include liposuction by adding it to your tummy tuck or breast enhancement surgery.

The most common surgeries are:

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
  • Liposuction

A Mommy Makeover procedure addresses multiple cosmetic concerns typically experienced by new mothers in a single surgery.

A Mommy Makeover is a combination of procedures designed to help mothers regain their pre-baby figure and confidence. This can include breast augmentation, tummy tuck, liposuction and/or a Brazilian butt lift.

There are many reasons for having a mommy makeover procedure after childbirth. Some women may have lost their natural shape following pregnancy and others may have had complications that require plastic surgery. Regardless of the reason, Mommy Makeovers can get you back on track with your health, fitness and confidence levels that were once pre-baby!

Are mommy makeovers safe?

You should be in good health, without any existing medical conditions that would make the procedure unsafe. You should also get a thorough physical exam by your doctor before deciding if you are a good candidate for mommy makeover. Finally, you should have realistic expectations about what can and cannot be done during a mommy makeover surgery.

You should remember that even though many women are not happy with their postpartum bodies, there is no guarantee that plastic surgery will improve their self-esteem or resolve body image issues.

A skilled plastic surgeon will work closely with you to determine whether or not you’re likely to benefit from this type of procedure, but ultimately it is up to you whether or not it’s right for your body type and goals.

The Procedure

The procedure is done under general anesthesia, and you will be given medication to help you relax. This can cause some bruising or swelling as well as pain for a few days after the surgery. Your surgeon will make an incision around the areola of each breast and remove any excess skin, then they'll remove excess fat from your abdomen and flanks (the area between your waistline and hips).

They might also use liposuction to reduce some of that stubborn body fat! The surgeon will then close all wounds with dissolvable stitches so you won't need any other suture removal after the procedure is over.

Candidates for a Mommy Makeover

If you are considering a mommy makeover, it is important to understand that the procedure can only do so much. You will need to be realistic about what the surgery can accomplish and how much time it will take to recover. If you are interested in having a mommy makeover, here are some requirements:

  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You should be in good health and have a stable weight and body mass index (BMI). This means that your BMI should fall between 18.5 and 29.9 for your height. If it falls outside of this range, your doctor may not recommend the procedure because there is a higher risk of complications during surgery as well as having excessive skin after recovery from the operation.* Your doctor will also advise you on what factors could affect whether or not they recommend this type of procedure for someone with an unhealthy lifestyle.* For example, if someone has diabetes or other medical conditions which require them to take medications regularly then those medications might affect their ability to heal properly after surgery.* You should discuss any concerns about these issues with your physician before deciding if getting mommy makeover surgery is right for you!

Breast Surgery Options for a Mommy Makeover

For women with one or both breasts that are larger than average, breast surgery may be the best option for a mommy makeover. Breast reduction surgeries can help you achieve smaller, more proportionate breasts that will look great in clothes and swimsuits.

During a breast reduction procedure, excess skin and fat are removed from your breasts while an incision is made around their perimeter. In order to maintain their shape and volume, saline implants or cohesive gel-filled implants may be used during the procedure to provide natural looking results.

A mommy makeover can also include reshaping your nipples by removing excess fat tissue (if necessary) and tightening of the surrounding tissues called a "lollipop lift". This surgery may also include liposuction of areas such as under your arms (also known as axillary area), upper abdomen (also known as waistline), flanks (also known as love handles), sides of hips/buttocks area etc., depending on what looks best on you after evaluating all factors involved such as age level at which time point did most noticeable changes start occurring over past several years since having children(s); how much weight has been lost over past several months by exercising regularly each week for about 30 minutes per day minimum 5 days per week preferably 6 days per week?

Laser Liposuction for a Mommy Makeover

Laser liposuction is a procedure that uses laser energy to remove fat cells from a specific area of the body. Laser liposuction can be used to treat areas of the body that are difficult to treat with traditional liposuction techniques.

To learn more about laser liposuction for a mommy makeover at our Kansas City, KS plastic surgery practice, contact us today!

Tummy Tuck Surgery for a Mommy Makeover

The tummy tuck surgery is a surgical procedure that reshapes the abdominal area by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the muscles of the abdomen. The procedure can improve your appearance if you have loose, stretched skin on your abdomen after pregnancy.

During your consultation, we will discuss your expectations for this procedure and make sure to answer all of your questions so that you are comfortable with moving forward.

A mommy makeover can improve your appearance after having children.

A mommy makeover can improve your appearance after having children. You'll feel more confident in and out of the bedroom, which is important as your relationship with your partner will be stronger.

A mommy makeover can also help you feel better about yourself. You might be self-conscious about how your body has changed after childbirth, so a mommy makeover can help you get back to feeling like yourself again.

When it comes to sex, a mommy makeover can also improve things in this area by making you feel sexier and more attractive than ever before. This will boost your confidence levels, which leads us to...

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that enhances the size and shape of a woman's breasts.

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that enhances the size and shape of a woman's breasts. It can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia, and incisions are usually made around the areola (the darker skin surrounding the nipple).

The surgeon will insert breast implants through these incisions. The type of breast implant used depends on factors such as age and lifestyle, but it may be made from silicone gel or saline solution.

In addition to increasing size, breast implants may be used to correct asymmetry between breasts in cases where one breast has developed differently than its partner (for example, if you had an injury that affected one side more than another).

Breast enlargement, breast augmentation, boob job

Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure. It involves placing a breast implant into the breast to enlarge or enhance it. Breast implants are either saline (salt water) filled or silicone gel filled, depending on personal preference and comfort level.

  • Saline-filled implants may look more natural than silicone and may be a better option for women with very small breasts who want their nipples to be centered in the middle of their breasts rather than positioned closer together at a slight angle when viewed from above.
  • Silicone gel-filled implants tend to feel more natural than saline, but they can cause some movement issues over time as they move with your body's fluids instead of remaining rigid like saline implants do.

Breast implants can come in a variety of sizes to suit your desired breast size and breast implants also come in different materials such as silicone breast implants or saline breast implants. Saline breast implants feel more natural and silicone breast implants are firmer. The breast implant procedure can affect breast tissue and even result in scar tissue and breast pain.

Women who undergo breast implant surgery typically report an increase in self-confidence and self-esteem.

Women who undergo breast implant surgery typically report an increase in self-confidence and self-esteem.

This is due to a variety of factors, but most likely because the results can be so natural looking. And once you've had a mommy makeover with breast augmentation surgery, chances are others will not even know that you've had work done!

The changes following a mommy makeover may be more than physical—you may find yourself more confident in your abilities as well as more accepting of yourself and your body. For some women, it's also possible that their self-esteem issues stem from something other than their appearance:

Most commonly, these issues involve body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), which leads people to obsess over some aspect of themselves they feel is flawed or unacceptable (a condition known as "body dysphoria").

If this is true for you or someone close to you, see the Resources section below for information about how BDD might affect both men and women of all ages.

This surgery typically involves two to three procedures performed during a single operation.

It's important to understand that a mommy makeover is not just one procedure, but usually involves two or three procedures performed during a single operation.

This can include breast augmentation, liposuction, and possibly tummy tuck. The specific type of surgery will depend on your current body shape and your desired end result.

The recovery time for each individual procedure varies widely depending on how many surgeries you're having (usually ranging from one week up to several months). The total recovery time for mommy makeovers is typically between four weeks and six months (with most women returning back to work within this range). The final results will be evident six months after the last surgery was performed.

A mommy makeover is not recommended if you plan to have another child in the near future;  pregnancy could have an impact on your results and stretch your skin once again.

For those who are planning their next child, a mommy makeover is not recommended. Pregnancy can stretch the skin and it may take longer to achieve the desired results.

After giving birth, your body will be in shock and healing slowly. Depending on how much weight you’ve gained during pregnancy, it is likely that your belly button will flatten out after some time but this change may not be noticeable right away.

In addition to stretching skin, pregnancy can affect results as well. For example: If you have had breast implants before having children (or never had them), they may separate from each other when they're swollen with milk during breastfeeding. This is because of the pressure exerted by baby breastfeeding at that time.

This happens often with saline implants which tend to move around more than silicone ones do when full of liquid—so if this happens then it's important for patients' safety reasons that there's careful monitoring of these types of breast implants throughout lactation!

Most Popular Cities in Kansas to Get a Mommy Makeover

Find a plastic surgeon specializing in mommy makeover procedures near you and schedule a consultation.

Wichita, KS


Overland Park, KS


Kansas City, KS