Mississippi Mommy Makeover: Mommy Makeover In Mississippi
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Mississippi Mommy Makeover
After having children, many women decide that it’s time for a mommy makeover. This is a term used to describe a combination of plastic surgery procedures designed to help women regain their pre-pregnancy bodies.
Breast augmentation and liposuction are the most common types of surgery performed during mommy makeovers because they can both help restore lost volume and tone in your body after pregnancy.
However, if you want to get rid of stretch marks or tighten loose skin in other areas while recovering from childbirth, there are also options like tummy tucks and labiaplasties available as part of your procedure package.
Top Mommy Makeover Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons in Mississippi
What Does “Mommy Makeover” Mean?
A mommy makeover is a combination of several cosmetic procedures that are performed to improve the appearance and shape of the breasts, abdomen and flanks after pregnancy. It can include breast augmentation, breast lift, liposuction and tummy tuck.
A mommy makeover will help you feel more confident about your body after giving birth and can help you look younger than before your pregnancy.
Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation surgery is the most common mommy makeover procedure. It can increase your breast size and improve your shape by increasing the volume of your breasts. A breast augmentation can also help restore volume to breasts that have lost their fullness after pregnancy.
In this procedure, an implant is placed in each breast to give you large, firm breasts that are sure to draw attention from anyone who sees them!
Breast Lift and Augmentation Combo
A breast lift and augmentation are two separate procedures. A breast lift is done first, followed by an augmentation a few months later. Both are performed in the same surgery, but there are some differences between them.
- The procedure for each is fairly similar: there’s an incision around the nipple to remove excess skin and tighten the underlying tissue. For the augmentation part of your surgery, we will insert silicone implants through this incision, or you can choose saline implants that fill with your own body fluids if you prefer less-invasive options (though they have less longevity).
- While we typically recommend waiting 3–6 months between surgeries for enough healing time before doing both at once, there’s no hard rule; some women opt for combining them on the same day instead because it saves money and improves recovery times even more than usual! This technique is called a “mommy makeover" because it’s basically one big operation with multiple goals accomplished at once—and it includes everything from liposuction to tummy tucks!
What to Expect During a Breast Augmentation Procedure
To prepare yourself, it's important to know what to expect during your procedure. The surgeon will give you general anesthesia and place the implants through incisions in your breast tissue. This process will take about an hour, but there may be additional time spent in the operating room if other procedures are being performed at the same time.
The recovery room is where you'll stay after surgery while your body adjusts to the anesthesia. You may have some pain post-op that can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol).
Your surgeon will likely recommend rest for several days following a mommy makeover procedure so that your body can heal properly before returning to normal activity levels and exercise routines.
Breast Lift with Implants
A breast lift is a procedure that uses an incision around the areola and behind the nipple to raise and reshape sagging breasts. A breast lift can also include removal of excess skin, fat and glandular tissues, if desired.
Depending on your goals, there are several different types of breast lifts:
- Nipple reduction surgery – this involves repositioning the nipple higher on the breast so it is less likely to sag in future pregnancies or weight fluctuations. It may be done alone or as part of a mastopexy (breast lift).
- Breast augmentation – this involves placing new implants under your natural breast tissue to increase size and symmetry. The type of implant used will depend on your body type, desired result and medical history but may include saline or silicone gel-filled implants.
- Breast reduction surgery – this involves removing excess glandular tissue from under your breasts to reduce their size without affecting their shape or volume too much (if at all). If you have sagging skin as well as excess glandular tissue then you may need both procedures performed at once for optimal results; however some women opt for only one type depending on personal preference or medical necessity.
There are lots of different breast implant types
There are a variety of implant shapes, from round to tear drop and even gummy bear. There are also different styles of implants, including saline-filled and silicone gel-filled.
When you decide on the type of implant that works for you, your breast surgeon will recommend the size (volume) that will best enhance your natural features. For example, if you have small breasts with wide spacing between them and a small frame, he/she may recommend 250 cc or less if your skin is thin enough to accommodate it.
If not, he/she may suggest going up to 300 cc or more depending on your body type and tissue elasticity. This way, you’ll end up with the right amount of volume without making any sacrifices regarding comfort or symmetry!
Breast Implant Placement Options
Your surgeon will evaluate your body to determine the best placement for you.
- Submuscular Implant Placement: This option offers a more natural breast shape while minimizing rippling, which is the visual appearance of scarring on top of the muscle. The implant is placed under the chest muscle and above the pectoralis major muscle (breast tissue). This procedure requires an incision along each side of your breast crease, making it a good choice if you are concerned about scars being visible when wearing bathing suits or other revealing clothing.
- Subpectoral Implant Placement: This option offers less projection than submuscular placement but does not result in as much natural cleavage as submammary placement. It can be performed through small incisions inside or outside of each nipple; however, if one chooses transaxillary (through armpit) or transumbilical (through abdomen) placement they will have minimal scarring at all due to their location.
Saline or Silicone Implants
- Saline implants are not as popular because they can cause the breasts to sag more.
- Silicone implants are more expensive than saline implants, but some women prefer silicone for its natural feel and appearance.
- Women with larger breasts may find that silicone implants provide a better shape and fit in their bodies.
- The FDA has approved silicone gel-filled breast implants since 1992, when it was determined after decades of research that they were safe and effective ways to enhance the shape and size of your chest. Silicone gel-filled breast implants now make up the vast majority of all plastic surgeries performed around the world each year — over 300 thousand procedures per year globally according to recent statistics from 2016 by market research company Euromonitor International Limited (London).
What is Breast Implant Illness
Breast Implant Illness is not an infection of the breast tissue, but instead is caused by bacteria that have been introduced into your body from the surgical site.
The issue arises when you have implants in your breasts and you are infected with bacteria either during or after surgery. When this happens, it can cause pain and swelling around where the implant was inserted into your body.
Silicone breast implants or saline breast implants are most typical one people use.
If you experience any of these symptoms, make sure to see your doctor immediately for treatment with antibiotics so that it doesn't get worse!
Having your implants removed
At some point, you may decide to remove your breast implants. The surgery is called explanation and can be done for a variety of reasons, such as:
- You want natural-looking breasts
- Your silicone implants have ruptured or leaked
- You have capsular contracture (the scar tissue around the implant becomes too tight)
- You're having other breast procedures done that would require removing your implants first
If you choose to have explanation surgery performed on both breasts at the same time, then recovery time generally takes six weeks and includes complete rest. When only one implant is removed, it's important that you wait two weeks before moving on to any sort of physical activity after this particular operation; this gives enough time for any bleeding or pain in the affected area to subside completely so that no further complications occur during recovery.
If there was significant damage caused by an earlier rupture or leak in either silicone breast implant prior to its removal (which means they must both be removed), then it could take up two months before full results are visible again following healing periods required after these various surgeries take place simultaneously within
Breast Reduction
Breast reduction is the surgical procedure that removes excess skin, fat and glandular tissue from the breasts. It can be performed on women of all ages, but it’s most commonly performed on women who have large breasts and experience back pain or neck pain from the weight of their breasts. Breast reduction can also improve the shape, size and position of your breasts. The results are natural-looking smaller breasts that will look more proportional to your body frame.
Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure which can be used to reduce excess fat deposits in various parts of your body including:
- Arms
- Hips/thighs
- Abdomen (love handles)
- Back
Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat from the body. It's most commonly performed on the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks. Surgeons can also do liposuction on the arms and neck, but these areas are more difficult to treat.
During the procedure, a surgeon inserts a thin tube into your skin in order to suck out excess fat through small incisions made in or below your skin surface.
The tubes are attached to large syringes which act as vacuum chambers for removing unwanted fat cells from your body by suctioning them out of their cavities under your skin where they were stored (aka "fatty tissue").
Types of Incisions
- Donut: This incision is made under the breast, around the areola and nipple.
- Lollipop: Similar to a donut, but it extends vertically down below the breast crease.
- Vertical: This incision is made from one side of your sternum (breastbone) to another across your nipples.
- Inframammary: An incision that goes through the fold of skin where each breast meets your chest wall, underneath the breasts. It extends from side-to-side beneath them and ends in an area above your natural waistline called a “tummy tuck incision” or umbilical scar.
- Transaxillary (underarm): An incision that goes through an armpit and runs along either side of it until reaching its goal—the navel region below each arm.* Transumbilical (belly button): A long vertical cut starting at one end near your belly button and ending at another place on your lower abdomen or groin area.* Specialty Incisions - The same procedure can also be performed using special techniques such as lipo suctioning fat from other areas like hips/thighs/stomachs before transferring them into breast tissue using filler materials such as expander balloons instead if traditional implants have not been used previously during previous surgeries like tummy tucks or mastectomies when possible depending on patient preference."
Can You Have Breast Surgery and Liposuction at the Same Time?
Yes. You can have breast surgery and liposuction at the same time. However, it's important to consult with your plastic surgeon to see if you are a good candidate for both procedures at once. It's also important to consider your health and any other factors that would make this procedure unsafe for you.
In order to undergo both procedures, you need to be in good health with realistic expectations about what these surgeries will achieve for your body. If you're considering this type of set of surgeries, we recommend scheduling a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons so they can help guide you through this decision process!
Brazilian Butt Lift
A Brazilian Butt Lift is a procedure that uses fat transfer to enhance the buttocks. The procedure can be used to enhance the shape and contour of the buttocks, but also to correct defects such as lipodystrophy (the loss or redistribution of fat).
If you are considering having a Brazilian Butt Lift, it is important that you find an experienced surgeon with whom you feel comfortable and confident in his or her abilities. The right plastic surgeon will be able to offer advice on how much fat is needed for your desired results based on your measurements, body type and lifestyle preferences.
In addition to enhancing volume in your buttocks region, many patients opt for other procedures such as liposuction at other areas on their bodies in order to achieve an overall slimmer appearance or smoother contours.
Vaginal Rejuvenation
Vaginal rejuvenation is a cosmetic procedure that tightens, tones and lifts the vaginal muscles. The procedure is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, who will use a laser to tighten the walls of the vagina while removing excess tissue. This type of surgery can be done on all women, regardless of age or health condition.
The normal healing time for vaginal rejuvenation is four weeks before having sex again, but you should wait until your doctor gives you permission to have intercourse following your surgery.
If you’re considering a mommy makeover, the first step is to talk to your doctor. They can help you find out if you’re a good candidate for these procedures and answer all of your questions. Remember that each person has different results based on their body type and medical history so there are no guarantees that every woman will get what she wants from her plastic surgery experience!